Friday, January 9, 2009

Who would have known?

I certainly would not have known what an exciting world it is in website development!! I am currently working with a HUGELY professional and FANTASTIC web developer. She is creating an "external" Scentsy website for me - to provide me an online presence with my business. It is so exciting to participate in this process, and to help develop a picture of what is MY business!! It is a reflection of me and how I run my business - how exciting? I love to see my vision develop before my eyes. I am so excited to finalize the site, and officially enter the "online" world. I can only imagine where this can take my Scentsy business!! I have done 1 year of work with out using the internet to promote myself. I have done it the old fashioned way, and I am proud to say, I ranked #4 in the company, as a result. But, with an online presence, I feel like I am taking my efforts to a new level. I am ready for it. I WOULD NOT have wanted to START my business with an online presence. But, after one year of success and "pounding the pavement", I feel that I can serve customers and consultants WELL by developing an online relationship. I know my stuff now and I am ready to pass it on. Thank you to Lisa, from "My Colorful Treasures" for developing this FANTASTIC site. Lisa - you have a heart of GOLD and you want to see your customers satisified. You are a WEALTH of knowledge, and you are happy to pass it on. I would ONLY choose you and trust YOU to help me create and maintain an online presence. You can view Lisa's website at Thank you, Lisa - I can not wait to see my total package in the end. It is going to be FABULOUS! Jodi

1 comment:

  1. AAAAAAWWWWWHHHH! You are just so sweet! Thank you Jodi for your compliments reqarding the developement of your online identity! Websites are a picture into who you are.... and we all know..... pictures are worth a thousand words! I am so happy that you were so excited about being brought directly into the middle of your website developement! Your sense of style and personality is totally in your website and you did a great job helping me to create your online masterpiece!

    With Sweet Regards,
    Lisa : )
    Your Webmaster
